small-batch firewood delivery
Small-Batch Firewood Delivery
Split of the Day
SPLIT OF THE DAY: Ash. From Lady Celia Congreve's The Firewood Poem: "Oaken logs, if dry and old / keep away the winter's cold / But ash wet or ash dry / a king shall warm his slippers by."

Hi I'm Teddy. My dad is really into firewood. He suggested we consider starting a local firewood delivery business. I told him I would go along for the ride.
While it's a good idea on paper, I don't really want to carry the firewood because it will be really heavy. But it will be great to see neighbors I haven't seen in a long time. Maybe I will meet some new people. Or new dogs.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my brother and my dad, but my dad can be a mixed bag.
Thanks for supporting the business.